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No to NATO; no to nuclear weapons – yes to Peace
Despite good intentions a lot of anti-establishment cum anti-System writings are heavy on the negative, as if it were up to Madam Fate and all futures appear dire but it’s not so. The Human Race has a lot going for it. All that’s required is Peace.
In his most recent writing, “Why WWIII Is On The Horizon”,
Paul Craig Roberts concludes with:
… “The other way is for an independent leader in Germany, the UK, or France to rise to office and withdraw from NATO. That would begin a stampede to leave NATO, which is Washington’s prime tool for causing conflict with Russia and, thereby, is the most dangerous force on earth to every European country and to the entire world. If NATO continues to exist, NATO together with the neo-conservative ideology of [North] American hegemony will make nuclear war inevitable.”
This conclusion makes it clear that anti-war activists and anti-nuclear weapons groups need to continue with their efforts against NATO, pressuring the European governments to see sense and thence go for the abolition of any nuclear option. This as a first duo-priority.
In the meantime, on the political fronts, anti-war friends need to single out those politicians akin to Jeremy Corbyn, (UK), and Bernie Sanders, (USA) that are the best bet for a non-confrontational stance in resolving global affairs and support them in their campaigns to get into office. Not with money but with deeds and words which are more powerful tools because ‘the others’ have all the money but human effort makes money a far cry second in general affairs.
Human solidarity is primary when it comes to getting things done and this means having a plan, a do-able manifesto that people can identify with.
Bad faith politicians are those with wishy-washy political stances. No clear policies. Plus, political parties are divided everywhere, even the most promising and futuristic ones. This reflects the societies they function in, where even families are divided over many matters.
On the other side the corporations that rule by centralised authority, accumulated power, and stacks of money and are cohesive and operate from within vertical structures which, despite having core strength owing to a select elite calling the shots, are showing a vulnerability that is amplified by there very success – like a overly large animal that is eating itself out of existence.
Decentralisation is a key word for any opposition to the influences of the institutions that dominate today – and let’s remember there are supposed to be laws dis-establishing monolithic organisations with their evolution into all-dominating market forces but they are unenforceable – because they have the power. These mammoths need to be broken into lesser parts and governed under proper regulation by those they are to serve – the people. They need to be democratised.
Decentralisation also figures in the dangers of size of the ‘big countries’ – USA, Russia, China, India, all tending to be ‘too big for their boots’ as it’s put. There very size makes them dangerous to themselves and to others.
These countries can devolve size-wise by granting true autonomy to their constituent parts, which means allowing local cultures and languages to flourish and to restrict population flows from the centres to the peripheries, from villages to towns – not by force but by humanising the rural areas to make them amenable to a quality human life. The why would the kids want to go to the bright lights of the city. Of course parents will have to lighten up on their overly-traditional circumscribing demands.
This manner of devolution should alleviate concerns at the centre as all dissenting regions have a good number of locals that can go along with real autonomy without demanding the independence that so worries the present governing powers in their seats of rule; because ordinary people just want to live with security, of life and tenure, and then peace comes naturally.