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Press release by Luisa Morgantini
Vice President of the European ParliamentNo to the risk of atomic death!
Truth and clarity on the presence of atomic weapons in Italy!
Rome, April 4, 2007
I am distressed by the fact that there are 50 atomic bombs hosted in the NATO base of Aviano and another 40 in the military base of Ghedi, near Brescia.
Thanks to the wonderful investigation, “Those embarrassing 90 bombs in the garden” by Rainews 24 journalists, the disquieting issue of the presence of nuclear bombs on Italian soil was brought to light.
Atomic weapons are not only dangerous and devastating, they are clearly in contrast to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty signed and ratified by Italy.
The Italian government, therefore, must; answer on the respect of the law and international treaties; control the territory and exercise full national sovereignty for the good of the country and of all its citizens.
In Europe, Greece has already unanimously voted for a resolution, presented by MPs, asking to dismantle and quickly get rid of any atomic arsenal present on national territory. The Belgian Parliament also asked the government to take a similar decision.
Italy has the right and the duty, being a non-Nuclear country, to do the same, ensuring complete truth and clarity on the issue.
The time has come for citizens to become aware of the dangers connected to the presence of atomic weapons in Italian NATO bases.
I express my full support to the five citizens of Aviano who have sued the United States’ government, to the citizens of Ghedi who are organizing greater control of the territory, to the work of all those journalists who are helping to shed light on the presence of nuclear weapons in our country, and I hope there will be a rising involvement of social and pacifistic movements.
Italy and Europe must not forget tragic events such as Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
How can we ask other countries not to use nuclear weapons when we have “ready to use” weapons on our territory and the United States continues increasing their atomic arsenal?
On the contrary, I believe it is more and more urgent to ask ourselves about the use, sales and ownership of atomic weapons and to pragmatically move towards total non-proliferation.