Europe for Peace is a campaign that promotes initiatives against the winds of war that are shaking Europe. The people and organizations that join form co-ordinations by country and by city and converge on common activities.
Proposals for joint activities
- Organizing and supporting anti-war initiatives, asking not to add fuel to the fire by sending weapons and military means, and resolving the conflict with dialogue and negotiation.
Possible initiatives: collective supervision; symbols of peace and non-violence; human chains; sit-in in front of symbolic places (Ukrainian, US, Russian embassy) and the offices of their government; cultural and artistic awareness raising events; write sentences and distribute them everywhere on buses, on the subway, on the street. - A flag for peace on every balcony throughout Europe (with slogans like: PEACE, Dialogue No Arms). Take a picture of the flag and post it on social media with the hashtag #Europeforpeace
- Social campaign: put your photo with an anti-war sign and publish it on all social networks with the hashtag #EuropeForPeace. In each post on social media, add the hashtag #EuropeForPeace.
- Information. Making articles about the conflict to provide information other than that disseminated by media propaganda. Share interesting articles that already exist.
Proposal to be carried out: study on the financiers of the war.
- Networking: Involving all possible associations by asking to join our campaign to converge in common activities.
- Relationships: adhesions of characters to our campaign (with videos, statements), interviews, mutual support for groups or networks of like-minded journalists.
- Requests and Meditations in the square and in local to ask for peace in the world and the resolution of all conflicts.
- Press releases The Pressenza agency is available to publish our articles and is a media partner of the campaign.
- Petitions: (yet to be written)
Petition to the United Nations of World without wars and violence
Petition to your government to join the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty
Petition to the European Parliament with the collection of 1 million signatures against the sending of weapons and military means to Ukraine and for the rapid start of negotiations.
Letter to embassies and parliamentarians of the governments involved.
- Activities already planned: Madrid Counter-Summit on NATO 29-30 / 6.- Conference on empathy: mediation and conflict resolution – the Book Festival for Peace and Nonviolence, June 2-5 in Rome
- Activities we aspire to: organization of a general strike – civil disobedience actions (I do not pay for the war, partial boycott of electricity and gas, I do not use credit cards …) of Europe for Peace
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