Signatories : : : :

Tiziana Cardella
Humanist Party - Turin, Italy
I endorse the campaign, which I subscribe together with the support of the others humanists of Torino: men and women who have at heart the construction of a nonviolent world in practice, in the ideals and its laws.
And yes: we need an Italy and Europe that can live and export unarmed peace (and a disarming peace too...).
For this reason we are working in the campaign against the so-called "armed banks" in order to spread as much as possible informations that, when hidden, we would accomplices of a disgusting trade.
We are an active part in the Mutual Aid Pact, because when the fight nonviolent, that comes from the low, from the people, becomes more noisy, armies appear to repress it and the more numerous the nonviolent people would be, the more complicated it will be to repress it
.For this reason we continue to encourage dialogue between countries and within the community, because we feel that this is the only policy accessible for citizenship and a conscious society, which excludes any danger of conflict (from petty to war).
For this reason we are among the promoters, along with many other realities,for the presentation of the draft law of popular initiative to declare Italy free from nuclear weapons.
For these and other reasons we have not yet tired of repeating our firm "NO WAR" and our complete readiness for the construction of a Europe of Peace.
Tiziana Cardella