Signatories : : : :

Alice Slater
United States
Alice Slater, New York Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, is a founder of Abolition 2000, working for a treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons and is the Convenor of its Sustainable Energy Working Group.
She is on the Advisory Board of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and serves on the Boards of the Middle Powers Initiative and Lawyers Committee for Nuclear Policy.
I am pleased to support this important effort by European Civil Society to take action for nuclear disarmament and peace. As a voting citizen of the global Empire, in a nation which has lost its moral compass and is provoking nuclear proliferation by its failure to honor its own commitments for nuclear disarmament and is dishonoring its pledge in the UN Charter “to end the scourge of war”, I am hopeful that efforts in Europe, which has known untold devastation and destruction by two World Wars in the 20th Century, will help lead the way and influence my own country to follow a more peaceful and life-supporting way in this 21st Century.
Alice Slater